Angelic Reiki to Masters





Angelic Reiki is Transformational for a Lifetime.

You may well be answering the call of the Angelic Kingdom of Light Calling you to embrace profound connection with Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and Galactic Healers calling you to learn the exquisite healing, consciousness expansion and the therapeutic change this unique complete system of Angelic Healing brings about.


It is my pleasure to teach this amazing healing system that resonates with me so intrinsically. I will show you how to tune into your higher self to access the Angelic Kingdom, they will help you on your healing journey and allow your heart to reach its full compassionate and healing potential. Being Psychic I will encourage you to use psychic  and intuitive abilities to hear and communicate with the Angelic Kingdom. It is important to expand your awareness and intuition, understand how the energy works and develop personal skills that will allow you to trust in yourself and the divine source to strengthen you.




As the founder Kevin Core says, anyone drawn to experience Angelic Reiki is ready to embrace change.
And this workshop may totally change your life. It will change your DNA, your cells and molecules and activate your Light body. It will establish a permanent link to Angels, and beings of light enabling you to merge more intimately with The Angelic Kingdom of Light.


During the Level 1 & 2 workshop, you will receive attunements and initiations enabling you to become a pure channel for Angelic energies. You will work with and receive guidance from Angels, Ascended Masters and Galactic Healers and learn how to allow these high vibrational energies to work with and through you – for your own development and as a means of enabling you to help others.


Angelic Reiki healing can be used for self treatments as well as for treating others – in person or remotely. Angelic Reiki supports you and those you treat in letting go of physical, genetic, emotional, mental and karmic imbalances throughout all time and space. During an Angelic Reiki treatment both parties are bathed in the bliss and oneness of divine unconditional love, thus facilitating balance and promoting wellbeing. Through these sessions we become aligned to our higher selves, returning to pristine wholeness. It is therefore a blessing to give and receive Angelic Reiki treatments.


During the workshop, you will learn much about yourself, Angelic Reiki and about the Angelic Realms. You will embrace and make your own the complete system of angelic healing that is Angelic Reiki and enjoy sharing healing treatments throughout the angelically-charged weekend. The powerful experience may trigger lessons that your soul has chosen for resolution and these may come up energetically during or following the workshop.


This workshop will support your own personal healing and spiritual journey. It will open up gifts and spiritual talents; reveal your dharma and life’s purpose. This may be to help you to support family and friends, or be a step along the way to share Angelic Reiki with others as a Professional Healer or Teacher. All of this will happen in the most perfect way for you.






To restore the Reiki Symbols to their original Divine Vibration (which was lost when man disconnected from Source at the time of th fall of Atlantis). This process  can only be gifted to us by the Angelic Kingdom of Light. The symbols given in this workshop are attuned through the Angelic vibration. Healing Angels give the attunements and work with you on a permanent basis, taking your connection to the Angelic Kingdome to a new level.




  • Deep meditation.
  • Opportunities to gain a deeper understanding of yourself while relaxing, healing and expanding your consciousness to the level that’s perfect for you.
  • Understanding the Nature of Angelic and Archangelic energy as the Divine Archetypes of this created universe.
  • Feeling Body Meditation.
  • Cutting of Karmic Ties throughout all time
  • DNA clearing and activation
  • Profound initiations and attunements to high Angelic frequencies
  • Receipt of 8 divine multidimensional symbols – the gateway to multidimensional healing – activated to Angelic level through the 7 levels of form and divine form by Archangel Metatron, as well as the higher gifts given by the Sarim, the Archangelic Princes of the Angelic Kingdom.
  • Cleansing and attunement to Angelic Reiki 1st degree.
  • Cleansing, entity release and attunement to Angelic Reiki 2nd degree.
  • Tuition in and practical hands-on experience of Healing Techniques:
    • Healing as a Channel.
    • Healing with Intention (3rd Eye Healing).
    • Healing with Ascended Masters and Galactic Healers.
    • Multi-dimensional/Past Life Healing.
    • Self Healing.
    • Healing Treatments for Pregnant Women; Babies; Children; Animals.
    • Chance to share healing experiences and ask questions.
  • Archangelic Initiation.
  • Attuning tools of your trade, crystals, essences etc.
  • Awakening of spiritual talents.
  • Help in achieving change.
  • Divine Laws on healing (from Djwhal Khul through Alice Bailey).
  • Info on and discussion about Angelic Reiki Organisation in your country.
  • A comprehensive Manual (plus additional informative literature provided by Madeleine Marie
  • in accordance with what best supports each group’s understanding and embracement of this level of Angelic Reiki)
  • Award of official, internationally recognised Angelic Reiki Level 1&2 Certificate.
  • plus much more.


Angelic Reiki Level 1&2  PRACTITIONER LEVEL  places you in your own Spiritual Power.

It also lays the ground for the incoming Galactic Energy of the Ascension.


Here’s what someone who did the Level 1 & 2 recently said:

“I can’t thank you enough Madeleine for the wonderful Angelic Reiki Level 1&2 course!  It truly was out of this world. Right from the start, being made so welcome and then gelling so well with everyone was wonderful. I was surprised how much I learned.  It was excellent on all levels and practising on other people was totally amazing.  I’ll be back to do the Masters and I’ve already recommended your Angelic Reiki training to a number of other people.”

The Workshop includes Angelic Reiki 1 and 2 manual, snacks and certificate. Please contact us for course details.




This workshop is available to those holding an Angelic Reiki level 1 and 2 certificate who are ready for the next level either for personal development or to teach Angelic Reiki

To participate in this workshop is to awaken the divine in you. You will receive a wave of love emanating from the Heart of the Galaxy. This workshop is a Powerful experience and lays the foundation for incoming Galactic energy of Ascension. It is a gift for anyone who wants to merge more deeply with the Angelic Kingdom of Light. The Angelic Reiki Master Level workshop encompasses the Galactic Energy of Ascension and initiates you into the Master energy of Angelic Reiki.  It places you in your own spiritual power and knowledge of yourself as the Master that you truly are and it awakens spiritual talents. This will happen in the mist perfect way for each participant. Enjoy what you receive and be in the blessing and wonder of it.

Archangel Metatron said that Angelic Reiki is the Healing for our time and its purpose is to support everyone who seeks guidance on their own spiritual path. We are all on the path to integrating and realising the truth that we co-create our life we are the masters of this reality.  The Masters workshop provides the tools to merge with our Soul energy and fulfill our purpose on earth.

  • Are you ready to transcend karma, to step fully into your own power in the way that is perfect for you?
  • Are you ready to fulfil your purpose and advance personally, spiritually, professionally?
  • Are you ready for greater clarity and acceptance of the personal responsibility involved in recognizing that you are the creator of your life and that you can change it?




  • Revisiting healing techniques learnt in the 1 & 2 workshops. Opportunities to share healing experiences
  • Healing through 3rd eye contact used in Atlantis
  • Healing with soul group energies
  • Healing with energies of the Divine presence & the Divine Blessing
  • During this workshop all participants will move into the area of healing that will become paramount on this planet during the next few years
  • 13 symbols are given in this workshop, which are a gateway to the multidimensional healing. The symbols given will be activated to Angelic level through the 7 levels of form and divine form by Archangel Metatron.
  • Full Attunement to Angelic Reiki 3rd Degree Level
  • Full Attunement to Angelic Reiki 4th Degree Level
  • Gifts of Higher knowledge given by The Sarim, The Angelic princes of the Angelic Kingdom
  • Healing Practice sessions
  • Advice how to teach Angelic Reiki Workshops and how to carry out Angelic Reiki Attunements
  • A Comprehensive Master Teacher Manual
  • A Certificate of Training achievement to 3rd & 4th Degree in Angelic Reiki


You can be confident that when you choose to teach this system, the Angels will use you as a channel to bring to those who attend your workshops the highest healing energies possible.



You can be confident that when you choose to teach this system, the Angels will use you as a channel to bring to those who attend your workshops the highest healing energies possible.


In learning Angelic Reiki at the Master level, you will receive the attunements to make this possible.


As Angelic Reiki Teachers you can be assured that the Angels will be with you in every workshop you teach and be absolutely confident that the Angels will support you in any attunements that you do. TRUST.


The Workshop includes  Angelic Reiki Master 3 and 4 manual, snacks and certificate.